Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Fine Lad of Speaking Clan

The fine lad of speaking clan
is not much of a man
whom I think is of virtue
and so heavenly true.

But he is way more delicious and sweeter than
a plate of sweet custard flan
made by the Prince of Bhutan.

No, no. The fine lad of speaking clan
should entirely be banned
from my innocent ice-cream land
and be banished from optical scan.

But I'm still thinking if I would be able to carry out
the intended do right away without doubt.

Because the fine lad of speaking clan
is so much fun.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Die! Die! Die!
I shall just die
I just can't bear
you just don't care.

Cry! Cry! Cry!
I bloody want to cry
It's just too bad
I feel so sad.

But I can't die just yet
I have promises I kept
I must climb high
I must burn all the sigh.

How much I wish we had never met.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Candy Brain

Some time in the past
I pondered what would happen when
my Thursday night class comes to its end

I wondered if my passion towards the class would last
and if I could see the candy brain again

I wish time did not fly fast
so that I could see the candy brain
every now and then
without reason and pain.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Chirpy, the Birdie

This is not love                           
for love is too strong a word                  
and too strong a feeling.                   
This is rather, a fondness for a human being           
who, when speaking, sounds like a chirpy bird           
that flies freely and so gracefully in the sky above.      

Speak more, chirpy                       
speak more to me                       
for your voice is the mildest to the ear             
amiable and tender                       
soothing the heart                        
gently casting all the worries and doubt.                  

Fly near, birdie                       
fly near to me                          
for nothing is more desired than to rejoice in your company   
and to have you stand by me.                   

Speak more and fly near to me,                  
O chirpy, my birdie.